Friday, January 3, 2020
Math Essay - 843 Words
General Information on the DBQ The required DBQ differs from the standard essays in its emphasis on your ability to analyze and synthesize historical data and assess verbal, quantitative, or pictorial materials as historical evidence. Like the standard essays, however, the DBQ is judged on its thesis and argument. Although confined to no single format, the documents are unlikely to be the familiar classics (such as the Emancipation Proclamation or the Declaration of Independence), but their authors may be major historical figures. The documents vary in length and are chosen to illustrate the interactions and complexities of the historical process. They may include charts, graphs, cartoons, and pictures, as well as written materials.†¦show more content†¦Students may work as a class or in collaborative groups and follow these five steps: Read the question -- that is, the prompt -- three times. Remember that in this instance AP stands for address prompt. Identify the task. State in your own words what you are being asked to write. Circle or underline the main words, especially words of direction, such as analyze, explain, compare and contrast, evaluate, and to what extent. Briefly list the main events of the historical time period addressed. Use the acronym PERSIA to help you categorize the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and artistic aspects of the period. This is outside information that may be included in the essay. Read each document, noting the source or the title. Briefly write the main point of each document. If the prompt requires you to take one position or another, group the documents on the basis of those positions. For example, in the 1999 DBQ you are asked to evaluate colonial identity AND unity. Note that documents A, C, E, and G are about unity, whereas documents B, D, F, and H deal with identity. Some documents may be used to support both unity and identity. Use the source or the title when referring to the information in the document. Do NOT use the word document in the narrative of your essay. (Writing Document A says, Document B says, and so on results in a laundryShow MoreRelatedMath Analysis : Math And Math Essay975 Words  | 4 Pagestaught math about 10 years, covering grades 5 – 8, I have witness on many occasions that girls stress more about completing math work and math testing than boys. One theory that prompted my research is math assessment performance related to gender, male and female achievement in mathematics. At the elementary school level it is important to know basic math skills because math understanding and ability builds upon if itself. Questions like, Are male and female student evenly matched in math abilityRead MoreMath Anxiety And Math Motivation1555 Words  | 7 Pagesstudy that tested the effects of math anxiety and math motivation on the level of math learning that an individual is capable of. 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