Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Research Paper Into Acne
Research Paper Into Acne Acne is a common skin condition, inflammatory skin or disease characterized by pimples on the face, chest, and back. It occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. That will show the type of acne, how the different creams and meds that people use plus the side effects (That will make a difference to others). Lindsay and Kayee both used acne cleanser and moisturizers to cure their acne (Which worked on both of them). They both said that after many years or so, their skin cleared up. The difference was though was Lindsay also used jojoba oil that she mixed with the moisturized, which is on her drier days (Especially in the evenings).Kayee just cleanser and moisturizer. Even though she couldnt believe it and said Its not a fluke. It toke the amazing difference of it. Both girls also said they stop using makeup because it kills the skin and gives it a lot of acne and so on. I think that almost every girl stop using makeup ever since they found a way to clean their skin. Also, as you can tell too that a lot of woman dont seem to think right away when using acne cream (Im not saying that they are stupid) because whatever they seem to pick, it doesnt have Benzoyl Peroxide. BP is a type of a chemical incorporated into the polymer of resins to aid in the initiation of polymerization. Its also an antibacterial, keratolytic drying agent prescribed in the treatment of acne. It doesnt hurt your skin as much but more tickles but it also depends on the person because it might either irritate the skin or etc. I been through acne also and I still have. How I know this because I been to the doctors and I had from creams to pills and it dont work much (Even the pill who made me sick). So I went to proactive and its been helping slowly. Let just be thankful that some of us dont have skin diseases and so on because the skin disease is the more prevalent that affects nearly 17 million people in the United States. Its called acne vulgarism or just common acne. Still, that wouldnt be fun with that and trying to figure out from how you got it to etc. Anyways, did you know that nearly 85% of young people develop acne at sometime between ages 12-25 years? Which usually beings at puberty then worsen during the most occurring of ages 14-18. However, acne can come at any age from newborns to older adults. Its more common and severe in males than females. And also true that people continue to have acne outbreaks well into adulthood. Not that Im surprised about the acne continuing still, even trying to get rid of it, you still get more no matter. But also, males have more effected of this problem more than females. Yet, I see more females with acne problems more than males. Well, it does seem my guessing was wrong but also, its sometimes (not all) right about it. But also, people are different and get it when they get it. But how do we know how it develops? Well acne originates in the oil or sebaceous glands that lie beneath the surface of the skin. These glands that produce oil and are called sebum are the skins natural moisturizer. That helps preserve the flexibility of the hair. This shows the most common of acne places (except for the face) is really the chest, shoulders and back. That has the most sebaceous follicles which are opened into the skin that goes through pores, allowing sebum to reach the hair and skin surface. The worse type of acne only occurs when the follicles that are infected continue to enlarge (Without any rupturing, nodules, and cysts). Other acne or microorganisms can be involved also like acne vulgarism that can affect a womans face. Also no inflammatory like white and black heads. White and black heads are quite similar but mostly different because white heads have this plugged follicle that begins to bulge as a small whitish bump, which is underneath the skin mostly. For black heads, if the comedo opens up, the top surface of the plug darkens as its exposed to the air. Acne isnt a serious health threat. It just causes negatively that causes appearance from teens mostly because of social or etc. Its also permanent in scarring wise but still, we all go through it. Even though there are creams and meds that can cure some of this stuff or maybe all. They are like millions of creams, moisturizers, etc to make all your acne go away. You just need to find the right one and see how it goes. The ones I see a lot or mostly in commercials is proactive and Clearasil that been advertised. There are probably more than those two that are shown around. But still, they are like the only ones (Well except for the one the dermatologist gave me plus the pills) that I used so far that helped my skin. Proactive is definably better because it has helped me plus it gives you the mask plus lotion to relax your skin. Other people like this girl used Natures Cure along with Clearasil because she had an awful time with proactive but still, the other stuff helped her. Another girl said that proactive worked for her sister and it looked amazing. Another girl said proactive didnt work for her so she used Neutrogena cleanser and etc. So whatever you use really, it would work one way or another. And you may or may not have clear skin. What causes acne is oil, makeup, stress, hormones, age, gender, hygiene, diet, drugs, etc. From oil like grease, not watching your hands, your hair, or washing your face it can give your face a lot of oil. Its really between your hands and hair that can cause it because if you dont wash them and you put your hands on your face, you would get acne. Or be your hair that is in your face, without pulling it back or taken care of it can cause acne. But also, it doesnt always cause this. Its mostly stress and hormones really. Plus puberty because it can take a lot out of you or youre starting to grow up day by day. Still, its most hormones that take the most damage because your changing and as your grow older, (for female) your period stops slowly and it can cause stress along but also, it gets irritating because you got to work a lot or so or just life in general. Either way, we all go through this (Im really not sure for male because they are different from us). In conclusion, No matter how much acne you have or whenever you got to live it forever, we all need to see that whatever happens. And it doesnt matter what product we use, it doesnt always work for everyone. No matter if its stress or etc, its life. Source Citation: Acne. Mercedes McLaughlin., Patience Paradox., and Margaret Alic, PHD.. Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. 3rd ed. Detroit: Gale, Online update, 2007. 5 vols, updated October 2009. Works Cited: McLaughlin, Mercedes, Patience Paradox, and Margaret Alic. The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Gale, 2009. Acne. Web. Source Citation: ACNE. SICK! Diseases, Disorders, Injuries and Infections. Online Edition! Detroit: U*X*L, 2008. Works Cited: Diseases, Disorders, Injuries and Infections. Gale, 2008. Print. Source Citation: Acne. Patience Paradox. and David Edward Newton, Ed.D. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Ed. Laurie Fundukian. 3rd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2009. 4 vols. Works Cited: Paradox, Patience, and David E. Newton. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Gale, 2009. Print. Regimen success stories 1997 2010 Daniel W. Kern http://www.acne.org/success.php Benzoyl peroxide http://www.answers.com/topic/benzoyl-peroxide I need your PROACTIV STORIES whether good or bad!? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070316190446AA5sE54
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on The Brain :: Biology Essays Research Papers
The Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on The Brain Hallucinnogenic Drugs alter a person's perceptions of reality and may cause hallucinations and other alterations of the senses. Drugs classified as hallucinogens include: LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetime(DOM), N,N-dimethyltrptamine(DMT), psilocin, and mescaline. There are two aspects of these drugs that classify then as hallucinogens. They all have common side effects, including distortion of sensory perception, and other psychic and somatic effects. These drugs also exhibit cross-tolerance. This means that a user of hallucinogenic drugs develops a higher tolerance to hallucinogens, the more they are used and the shorter the time span is between the last usage. Hallucinogenic drugs have been used throughout history for a number of reasons. They have been used as medicinal agents as well as having served religious purposes. Hallucinogens such as mescaline have been used in Native American ritual ceremonies. There was extensive usage of hallucinogens in the 60's and 70's as part of the counter- culture hippie movement. During the "acid tests" of this era, hallucinogenic drugs were used for mind exploration (B.L. Jacobs, "How Hallucinogenic Drugs Work"). Hallucinogenic drugs cause both physical and psychological effects on humans. The physical effects of these drugs include: dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, appetite loss, sleeplessness, tremors, headaches, nausea, sweating, heart palpitations, blurring of vision, memory loss, trembling, and itching. A user of hallucinogenic drugs will also experience a number of psychological alterations in the brain. These drugs may cause hallucinations and illusions as well, as the amplification of sense, and the alterations of thinking and self-awareness. It is quite possible to have a bad reaction to hallucinogenic drugs. This is referred to as a "bad trip" and may cause panic, confusion, suspicion, anxiety, and loss of control. The long-term effects of these drugs can be quite dangerous. These long-term effects may include: flashbacks, mood swings, impaired thinking, unexpected outbursts of violence and eventually possibly depression that may le ad to death or suicide. Quite a lot of interest concerning hallucinogens has been generated by neurobiologists and other scientists. The effects that hallucinogenic drugs have on the brain are quite complicated and very interesting. Many users of hallucinogenic drugs have experienced whole personality changes which raises questions about the relationship between brain and behavior. Scientists are also curious as to how total alterations of the senses can occur as the result of hallucinogen usage.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Fast Food Nation Essay
Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser, is a stark and unrelenting look into the fast food industry that has ingrained itself in not only American culture, but in culture around the world. There is almost no place on earth that the golden arches has not entered. Aside from Antarctica, there is a McDonalds on every continent, and the number of countries that have fast food restaurants is growing on a daily basis. Schlosser describes in detail what happens behind the scenes, before the hamburger and fries come wrapped in environmentally safe paper and are consumed by millions of people daily. There are several stories that stick out in my mind. First is the one about a rancher in Colorado. He had resisted the idea of squeezing as many cows in an enclosed area as possible. Instead, he rotates where the cattle eat, what kinds of grasses they eat, and how often they eat it. His ranch was what cattle raising should be. This is in contrast to how a majority of cattle are raised today. They stand in paddocks their whole life where they hardly have the ability to move, and they are fed things that cows aren’t designed to eat ?corn, wheat, chicken parts, and even the leftovers of already slaughtered cattle. Then they are lead up a gangway, into a building where they are first shocked, then hung up by their hooves and have their necks slit, one after another. It harkens back to The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. After one hundred years, the conditions at the meat packing plants have not improved much. It is still the most dangerous job in America. Almost everyone who works there are injured at one point, be it from mechanical smashers or knives that had come too close to their arm. Hundreds of thousands of cattle are slaughtered every day, and that is to keep up with the demand from places like McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s. It saddened me to read later that the Colorado rancher committed suicide because he could no longer compete with the large cattle-growers and he was going to lose his livelihood. Another thing that stood out was they way these fast food places treat their workers. Their policy of automation has created a whole group of people that do not have to think to do their job. These people ? usually teenagers ? are paid minimum wage to push buttons and do all of the jobs that used to be done by hand. It gains government subsides for training people with no job skills, such as the poor, young, or disabled. The ironic thing is that they have admitted that they don’t want to have to train people. They want the job to be as easy and training-free as possible, due to their want for uniformity. Uniformity seems to be the way of things at McDonald’s ? uniformity and conformity. If you cannot conform to the mold of a McDonald’s worker, they will simply find people who will, and they don’t have to train them all over again, because the job only requires that you know how to push a button or respond to a light or a beep. The last thing that stands out is the amount of contamination that can occur because of the way these animals are slaughtered. One hamburger from Burger King can contain meat from a thousand different cows. If only one of those cows were sick, then the person eating it can get sick. Then you multiply by how many packages of meat or hamburger was processed that could possibly have that one sick animal in it, you have an epidemic. One sick animal can contaminate ? and cause the recall of ? over 400,000 pounds of meat. That’s a lot of meat to have to bring back, and there are countless people who may have already eaten it and gotten sick, or, like the 6-year-old in the book, died. All of these things ? and the whole book in general ? has turned me off of fast food forever I think. I’ll never look at McDonald’s in the same way again. The food is full of grease, fat, and bacteria that could kill. The food also has hundreds of chemicals in it to make it taste the way it should, rather than the way it does. Seems to me that if their food tasted the way it should in the first place, they wouldn’t need chemicals to do the job. The employment practices of the fast food chains also leave a lot to be desired. They are a great part of the reason that people need more than one job to survive. Because they have so many minimum wage jobs ? even managers only make about $10 to $15 an hour. That had become a norm in the US, where people don’t even make a livable wage. There were a few things I didn’t like about either the book or Schlosser himself. First, he was very liberal, and it showed throughout the book. He practically blamed both Bush administrations for every problem laid out in the book, then praised Clinton and his administration to try and stem the tide of the fast food giants. Then there was Schlosser himself. During his speaking engagement at the college, the first thing he said was that he wasn’t going to try to tell anyone not to eat fast food or go to McDonalds’s or Taco Bell or any other fast food restaurant. He then spent an hour trying to do just that. He said that people spend more time looking into buying a house than deciding what goes into our bodies. My first reaction was â€Å"Of course we do! A house costs tens of thousands of dollars, and a burger costs 99 cents. †I know what he meant by it, saying that the burger will be with us for the rest of our lives and will affect our health in both the short and long run, but it’s not seen that way. If we have high cholesterol, we cal take a pill. High blood pressure? There’s a pill for that, too. There are even pills to help people lose weight. The mentality is that we can eat what we want, and there will be a way to reverse it. The bottom line is that I enjoyed the book and I did learn from it. I’m never eating at one of those places again, and not just because the food is terrible. I refuse to support their employment and food acquisition practices. I’m only sorry that it took me 26 years to get to this stage. Hopefully my children won’t support them either.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Math Essay - 843 Words
General Information on the DBQ The required DBQ differs from the standard essays in its emphasis on your ability to analyze and synthesize historical data and assess verbal, quantitative, or pictorial materials as historical evidence. Like the standard essays, however, the DBQ is judged on its thesis and argument. Although confined to no single format, the documents are unlikely to be the familiar classics (such as the Emancipation Proclamation or the Declaration of Independence), but their authors may be major historical figures. The documents vary in length and are chosen to illustrate the interactions and complexities of the historical process. They may include charts, graphs, cartoons, and pictures, as well as written materials.†¦show more content†¦Students may work as a class or in collaborative groups and follow these five steps: Read the question -- that is, the prompt -- three times. Remember that in this instance AP stands for address prompt. Identify the task. State in your own words what you are being asked to write. Circle or underline the main words, especially words of direction, such as analyze, explain, compare and contrast, evaluate, and to what extent. Briefly list the main events of the historical time period addressed. Use the acronym PERSIA to help you categorize the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and artistic aspects of the period. This is outside information that may be included in the essay. Read each document, noting the source or the title. Briefly write the main point of each document. If the prompt requires you to take one position or another, group the documents on the basis of those positions. For example, in the 1999 DBQ you are asked to evaluate colonial identity AND unity. Note that documents A, C, E, and G are about unity, whereas documents B, D, F, and H deal with identity. Some documents may be used to support both unity and identity. 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