Sunday, May 24, 2020
Be Green Be Healthy Or Compassionate - 1768 Words
Be Green Be Healthy Many people ask themselves how to become healthier and compassionate with our planet. Those people are the people that we need to change our world. We need people who really cares about the pollution of our environment, we need people with compassion. If all humans’ beings had compassion, the world could be better in so many different ways. For example, if we have compassion for our environment we would take care of our planet and we could fix all the corruption this world has. If we have compassion, we should be able to love animals and not torture them or eat them because they can feel, they have family and they are a huge important factor in our universe. While men keep killing this amazing creatures we would never be able to find health and peace in this world. However, one of the best ways to start loving and taking care of our planet is becoming vegetarian. In addition, being vegetarian can change one’s mind, can increase our spiritual desires and can help to prevent cancer and other mortal diseases. Some vegetarians are for religious reasons, or because they believe that eating should not kill animals; others consider the vegetarian diet is healthier not only for the body but also for the spiritual development benefits. â€Å"But there are many people who adopt vegetarianism simply because they believe will favor their health†(Anderson, L.V.) From this last point of view, the vegetarian diet has many aspects in its favor: generally contains less fatShow MoreRelatedConcept Synthesis Paper On Personal Nursing Philosophy815 Words  | 4 Pagesin India. I came to the United States on a dependent visa in 2006. I challenged Registered Nurse licensure exam and passed it in first attempt. Impressed by my excellent academic background, Centinela Freeman Hospital, Inglewood, CA sponsored my green card and I was fortunate to work there for two years with a great orthopedic team. Currently I work in a Medical Surgical Oncology unit in a Magnet Certified Hospital. I always wanted to advance my career and become a Nurse Practitioner (NP). AfterRead MoreWhole Foods Market, Inc.1304 Words  | 6 Pagesthrough profits and growth †¢ Serving and supporting our local and global communities †¢ Practicing and advancing our environmental stewardship †¢ Creating ongoing win-win partnerships with our suppliers †¢ Promoting the health of our stakeholders through healthy eating education Serving their own Team Members, customers, communities and environments, Whole Foods Market has made a difference since their opening day in 1980. Whole Foods Market believes that the operation of a company should exceed beyond profitsRead MoreStrengths And Weaknesses Of Wellness839 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is wellness? Wellness is a way of being well or being healthy. But did you know that there are different types of wellness. The different types of wellness are social wellness, occupational wellness, spiritual wellness, physical wellness, intellectual wellness, emotional wellness, environmental wellness, and financial wellness. There are different strengths and different weaknesses of wellness for anyone, but my two strongest wellness is environmental wellness, social wellness and my weakestRead MoreThe Treaty Of Waitangi : New Zealand1112 Words  | 5 Pagesmonarchy by maintaining a governor-general in each realm, which is the crown’s personal representative in the co mmonwealth realm. There are seven Parliamentary parties of New Zealand Government. These parties include National Party, Labour Party, Green Party, New Zealand First, Maori Party, United Future and ACT Party. The National Party is the largest of the seven and according to the website, â€Å"The National Party has always valued enterprise, hard work and the rewards that go with success. We willRead Morepm 582 week11429 Words  | 6 Pages Diversity and Conflict Management for Going Green Initiative of Riordan Manufacturing Sharon D. Olney-Hill PM/ 582 February 2, 2014 Lindsay Pineda This paper will speak to the issues and opportunities experienced by Riordan Manufacturing. Riordan Manufacturing management’s has made a decision to implement organizational transformation by â€Å"Going Green Initiative†. The decision to take on an external consultant to evaluate assembly processes and to propose a sustainabilityRead MoreTrue Colors Assignment1543 Words  | 7 Pagesproductivity. Colors have always been successfully used in the learning process. The four True Colors are gold, blue, orange and green. Each color represents personality types and serves as a tool for discussion and understanding. Every person has a BLEND of these four colors – people are not put into boxes, nor is there any such thing as a purest. The blends make us healthy individuals. Short and Sweet: Listen to each of these descriptions: Pick the color you think best describes you and type itRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mother949 Words  | 4 Pageswith her crafts and those hackneyed sayings about the importance of love and family you can find at most stores. Though overused she claims that they still hold truth. She is a healthy eater preferring leafy greens and refusing to eat most meats and encourages her family to do the same Though a very loving and compassionate individual it does not mean she’s afraid to speak her mind to anybody; she can be very assertive when she wants to. Heaven help you if you do anything to endanger her family. MyRead MoreCharacteristics Of Machiavelli748 Words  | 3 Pagesshould certainly appear to have them. I would even go so far as to say that if he has these qualities and always behaves accordingly he will find them harmful; if he only appears to have them they will render him service. He should appear to be compassionate, f aithful to his word, kind, guileless, and devout. And indeed he should be so†(57). Machiavelli points out that princes who have had a great achievement â€Å"have been those who have given their word lightly, who have known how to trick men withRead MoreNursing Attributes1654 Words  | 7 Pagesa fellow human being†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Sabo 2006, pg136) Compassionate people show characteristics like virtue, concern for the well-being of others and in nursing to relieve the suffering of patients while retaining the patient’s dignity. Being compassionate or showing compassion can often come across as paternalism. This is a difficult area for most nurses as they want the patient to become Independent, healthy and live a long and healthy life. It is easy to think ‘I have more knowledge thereforeRead MoreMy Personal Nursing Philosophy For Professional Nursing Practice808 Words  | 4 Pagesin India. I came to the United States on a dependent visa in 2006. I challenged Registered Nurse licensure exam and passed it in first attempt. Impressed by my excellent academic background, Centinela Freeman Hospital, Inglewood, CA sponsored my green card and I was fortunate to work there for two years with a great orthopedic team. Currently I work in a Medical Surgical Oncology unit in a Magnet Certified Hospital. I always wanted to advance my career and become a Nurse Practitioner (NP). After
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Sample College Admissions Essay on Teaching Summer Camp
Many college applicants have had summer camp experiences. In this Common Application essay, Max discusses his challenging relationship with a difficult student who ends up having a lot to contribute. The Essay Prompt Maxs essay was originally written for the pre-2013 Common Application essay prompt that states, Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. The influential person option no longer exists, but there are many ways to write about an important person with the current seven essay options on the 2018-19 Common Application. Maxs essay has recently been revised to fit the new 650-word length limit of the current Common Application, and it would work nicely with the 2018-19 prompt #2: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? The essay would also work well with Common Application essay option #5, Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. Max's Common Application Essay Student Teacher Anthony was neither a leader nor a role model. In fact, his teachers and his parents were constantly chastising him because he was disruptive, ate too much, and had a hard time staying focused. I met Anthony when I was a counselor at a local summer camp. The counselors had the usual duties of keeping kids from smoking, drowning, and killing each other. We made God’s eyes, friendship bracelets, collages, and other clichà ©s. We rode horses, sailed boats, and hunted snipe. Each counselor also had to teach a three-week course that was supposed to be a little more â€Å"academic†than the usual camp fare. I created a class called â€Å"Things that Fly.†I met with fifteen students for an hour a day as we designed, built, and flew kites, model rockets, and balsawood airplanes. Anthony signed up for my class. He was not a strong student. He had been kept back a year at his school, and he was larger and louder than the other middle school kids. He talked out of turn and lost interest when others were talking. In my class, Anthony got some good laughs when he smashed his kite and threw the pieces into the wind. His rocket never made it to the launch pad because he crumpled it in a fit of frustration when a fin fell off. In the final week, when we were making airplanes, Anthony surprised me when he drew a sketch of a sweep-wing jet and told me he wanted to make a â€Å"really cool plane.†Like many of Anthony’s teachers, and perhaps even his parents, I had largely given up on him. Now he suddenly showed a spark of interest. I didn’t think the interest would last, but I helped Anthony get started on a scale blueprint for his plane. I worked one-on-one with Anthony and had him use his project to demonstrate to his classmates how to cut, glue and mount the balsawood framework. When the frames were complete, we covered them with tissue paper. We mounted propellers and rubber bands. Anthony, with all his thumbs, created something that looked a bit like his original drawing despite some wrinkles and extra glue. Our first test flight saw Anthony’s plane nose-dive straight into the ground. His plane had a lot of wing area in the back and too much weight in the front. I expected Anthony to grind his plane into the earth with his boot. He didn’t. He wanted to make his creation work. The class returned to the classroom to make adjustments, and Anthony added some big flaps to the wings. Our second test flight surprised the whole class. As many of the planes stalled, twisted, and nose-dived, Anthony’s flew straight out from the hillside and landed gently a good 50 yards away. I’m not writing about Anthony to suggest that I was a good teacher. I wasn’t. In fact, I had quickly dismissed Anthony like many of his teachers before me. At best, I had viewed him as a distraction in my class, and I felt my job was to keep him from sabotaging the experience for the other students. Anthony’s ultimate success was a result of his own motivation, not my instruction. Anthony’s success wasn’t just his plane. He had succeeded in making me aware of my own failures. Here was a student who was never taken seriously and had developed a bunch of behavioral issues as a result. I never stopped to look for his potential, discover his interests, or get to know the kid beneath the facade. I had grossly underestimated Anthony, and I am grateful that he was able to disillusion me. I like to think that I’m an open-minded, liberal, and non-judgmental person. Anthony taught me that I’m not there yet. Critique of Max's Common Application Essay In general, Max has written a strong essay for the Common Application, but it does take a few risks. Below youll find a discussion of the essays strengths and weaknesses. The Topic Essays on important or influential people can quickly become predictable and clichà © when they focus on the typical heroes of high school students: a parent, a brother or sister, a coach, a teacher. From the first sentence, we know that Maxs essay is going to be different: Anthony was neither a leader nor a role model. Maxs strategy is a good one, and the admissions folks who read the essay will most likely be pleased to read an essay that isnt about how Dad is the greatest role model or Coach is the greatest mentor. Also, essays on influential people often conclude with the writers explaining how theyve become a better people or owe all of their success to the mentor. Max takes the idea in a different direction  Anthony has made Max realize that he isnt as good of a person as he had thought, that he still has much to learn. The humility and self-critique is refreshing. The Title Theres no one rule for writing a winning essay title, but Maxs title is perhaps a little too clever. Student Teacher immediately suggests a student who is teaching (something that Max is doing in his narrative), but the true meaning is that Maxs student taught him an important lesson. Thus, both Anthony and Max are student teachers. However, that double meaning is not apparent until after one has read the essay. The title by itself does not immediately grab our attention, nor does it clearly tell use what the essay will be about. The Tone For the most part, Max maintains a pretty serious tone throughout the essay. The first paragraph does have a nice touch in the way that it pokes fun at all the clichà © activities that are typical of summer camp. The real strength of the essay, however, is that Max manages the tone to avoid sounding like he is bragging about his accomplishments. The self-criticism of the essays conclusion may seem like a risk, but it arguably works to Maxs advantage. The admissions counselors know that no student is perfect, so Maxs awareness of his own short-comings will probably be interpreted as a sign of maturity, not as red flag highlighting a defect in character. The Essay Length At 631 words, Maxs essay is at the upper end of the Common Application length requirement of 250 to 650 words. This is not a bad thing. If a college is requesting an essay, it is because the admissions folks want to get to know the applicant better. They can learn more from you with a 600-word essay than with a 300-word essay. You may encounter counselors who argue that admissions officers are extremely busy, so shorter is always better. This little evidence to support such a claim, and youll find very few applicants to top-tier colleges (such as the Ivy League schools) being admitted with essays that dont take advantage of the space allowed. The ideal essay length is certainly subjective and depends in part on the applicant and the story being narrated, but Maxs essay length is absolutely fine. This is particularly true because the prose is never wordy, flowery, or excessive. The sentences tend to be short and clear, so the overall reading experience isnt labored. The Writing The opening sentence grabs our attention because it isnt what we expect from an essay. The conclusion is also pleasingly surprising. Many students would be tempted to make themselves the hero of the essay and state what a profound impact they had on Anthony. Max turns it around, highlights his own failures, and gives the credit to Anthony. The balance of the essay isnt perfect. Maxs essay spends far more time describing Anthony than it does describing Anthonys influence. Ideally, Max could cut a couple sentences from the middle of the essay and then develop a little further the two short concluding paragraphs. Final Thoughts Maxs essay, like Felicitys essay, takes some risks. Its possible an admissions officer would judge Max negatively for exposing his biases. But this is unlikely. In the end, Max presents himself as someone who is a leader (he is designing and teaching a class, after all) and as someone who is aware that he still has much to learn. These are qualities that should be attractive to most college admissions folks. After all, colleges want to admit students who are eager to learn and who have the self-awareness to recognize that they have room for a lot more personal growth.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Epic Poem, The Odyssey, By Homer - 1078 Words
Many have heard the tales of the Trojan War and the men who have fought in them, most of which come from The Odyssey . From these stories, we learn of the hardships many faced returning home after this bloody war. Within the tales, lies a man, whom some call a hero, and others do not. This man, Odysseus, faces many hardships throughout this time that challenge his heroism. In Homer s epic poem, The Odyssey , the main character Odysseus should be viewed as a hero because he shows cleverness, strength, and perseverance. Throughout the epic poem, Odysseus shows stupendous knowledge and cleverness with his ideas and plans. When fighting in the Trojan War, he came up with the brilliant plan of the Trojan Horse. This ingenious plan consisted of his army hiding in a giant wooden horse. They staged one of their men to act like he was left behind with the horse, which was said to be an offering to Athena. He convinced the people of Troy to let the horse inside the city. At night, when everyone was sleeping, Odysseus and his troops climbed out of the horse and attacked the city, killing everyone. It takes someone with more than just knowledge to come up with something this extravagant. On a separate occasion, Odyssey and his ship members were trapped inside the cave of Polyphemus, a son of Poseidon who is a Cyclops. Once again, Odysseus came up with a prodigious plan like no other. They gave Polyphemus very potent wine, in which after two cups, he was out. While Polyphemus wasShow MoreRelatedThe Odyssey By Homer Is A Story And Epic Poem940 Words  | 4 PagesThe Odyssey, by homer is a story/epic poem about the protagonist Odysseus who brings anguish and suffering upon himself an d his men, which prolongs their arrival to Ithaca. Because of this Odysseus son, Telemachus sets on a journey to find him. This book illustrates Odysseus, and his crew s feats by overcoming misfortunes along the way. Such as defeating a Cyclops named Polyphemus, fleeing from a town of powerful Laestrygonians and resisting manipulation and enchantments from a goddess calledRead MoreHomer s Epic Poems, The Iliad And The Odyssey1254 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Greek Poet Homer. Actually, there are many who believe that no such ‘Homer’ ever even existed in Ancient Greece. Nonetheless, it is agreed that Homer is one of the first writers that have shaped our culture immensely. Homer gives us a look into what morals the Greeks followed and what their beliefs were. Homer shows us how the Greeks put these beliefs into action by presenting multiple struggles that our characters must go through. Homer’s epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey, are thousandsRead MoreThe Odyssey By Homer Is One Of The Most Well Known Epic Poems Ever1375 Words  | 6 PagesThe Odyssey by Homer is one of the most well known epic poems ever. This story takes place in ancient Greece after Odysseus fought in the Trojan War in Troy. It was written around 700 BCE and tells the story of Odysseus’ journey home to Ithaca from Troy. One of the major reoccurring themes in this famous piece is determination. Many characters demonstrate great determination such as Odysseus, Penelope and Athena. Each character has a goal that they must work towards. In The Odyssey characters whoRead MoreHomer: The Most Famous Greek Poet751 Words  | 4 Pages Whether Homer was real or not, a group of people, a boy or a girl; one thing we are sure of is that â€Å"Homer†wrote two of the best epic poems. The Iliad, which was based on the tenth year of the Trojan War and the Odyssey, which was about a guy named Odysseus who goes on many adventures as he tried to get home to his so n and his wife. From what we know Homer was the most famous of all Greek poets because of his written works, his legendary history, and his influential work. â€Å"Hateful toRead MoreEssay on The Mysterious Homer, Author of The Odyssey and The Iliad663 Words  | 3 PagesThe Mysterious Homer, Author of The Odyssey and The Iliad  A sketchy figure by the name of Homer is given credit for the two great epic poems of ancient Greece. The Odyssey and The Iliad influenced Greek culture, education, and morality. Little is known about Homer and many scholars question whether he existed at all. (Encarta) Some say two different unknown authors wrote the two poems. (Britannica) Others say that many oral poets were responsible for the finished products. (Britannica) In thisRead MoreHomer’S Two Tales, The Iliad And The Odyssey, Are Both1749 Words  | 7 Pagestwo tales, the Iliad and the Odyssey, are both incredibly well known and widely taught across the world and at many different levels of education. Some call Homer the â€Å"greatest poet to ever live†and although this can be disputed his works truly speak for themselves and have braved the test of time quite well. This paper will cover who/whom Homer is as a person, or persons, and the time period of his writings, the truths versus the dramatiza tions of the Iliad and Odyssey, how the author’s perspectiveRead MoreHistory, Symbolism, and Characters in Homer’s The Odyssey 1118 Words  | 5 Pages In The Odyssey, it takes Odysseus twenty years to make it home from the Trojan War. On his journey home, he runs into many obstacles and creatures that he must overcome. He encounters the sirens, the Cyclops, and others. Each event in this epic poem has a symbolic meaning behind it. Homer writes about the history, symbolism, and the characters in The Odyssey. The Odyssey is about the Greek gods and heroes and their adventures (Makman). Odysseus is the main character, and he is going on a questRead MoreOdysseus As The Epic Hero In Homers Odyssey1019 Words  | 5 PagesOdysseus as the Epic Hero in Homer’s The Odyssey A style of work often explored in Greek literature is that of the epic. An expansive poem of a wide scope centered on and regarding the wondrous deeds of the main, heroic figure, on whose actions depend the fate of a nation. The definition of an epic can be used to describe The Odyssey by Homer. In The Odyssey we are introduced to our main character, Odysseus, the former king of Ithaca and a Trojan war hero who has been trapped on an Island by theRead MoreThe Odyssey : The Role Of Women In Homers Odyssey966 Words  | 4 PagesFor the Greeks, the epic of Homer was more than just a poem about gods, monsters, and people, but it was a story that showed different kinds of human interactions. The Odyssey portrays what is right or wrong in relationships between god and mortal, father and son, and man and woman. In the epic poem, the role of women is a vital demonstration of Ancient Greece. The women in the epic are unique in their personality, motives, and relationships towards men. In Homers, The Odyssey, all women are differentRead MoreEssay about The Odyssey - Gender Roles893 Words  | 4 PagesThe Odyssey is the product of a society in which the dominant role was played by men. In ancient Greece, just as in the whole of the ancient world, and in America and Western Europe until the last century, women occupied a subservient position. Society was organized and directed by men, and all of the most important enterprises were those which men arranged and implemented. Women were valued, but they participated in the affairs of the world only when they had the tacit or open approval and permission
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Organizational Behaviour for Global Professional Publishing Ltd.
Question: Describe about the Organizational Behaviour for Global Professional Publishing Ltd.? Answer: Introduction: PG is a multinational Organization of consumer goods situated in United States. It sells products like personal care, cleaning agents, pet foods. The PG Company is well known for its unique strategy which cares about the need of human. It not only makes its product available to its consumers but also tries to improve the life of its consumers. This strategy is more focus on its consumers wants and that is why it has an appeal to the heart of the consumer. The company has diversified its product line and also acquired other companies which have significantly contributed in the growth of their profitability. There are many kinds of tools in performance management, they are : performance planning, development planning, self-evaluation questions, training and evaluation which must be used in and effective way so as to increase the participation of the employees in the organization with it maximum potential. Hence performance management helps and organization to obtain its objective with effective manpower. The functions of HR for aligning a new performance management system with the strategic plan: The strategic orientation of PG towards its purpose and values: The purpose of PG is to improve the lives of the consumer from various parts of the world and provide superior quality of services and products and value. In return they intend to receive consumer reward with leadership value creation, sales and profit by considering their shareholders, customers and communities in which they work. PG aims to recruit and attract enthusiasts without observing difference apart from that of potentiality (Lafley, 2010). PG aims to maintain integrity and encourage their passion for winning. They have a clear vision of their purpose and operate according to the spirits of the law. They consider the accountability to meet the requirements of the business and improve their effectiveness. The basic business strategy for PG is the diversity of the supplier (A, 2013). They believe that diversity is the key which makes the internal and external public of a company to fulfill the principles and values (Bachrach and Schermerhorn, 2013). To obtain the objective a company needs a strategy and in order to implement a strategy the resources along with the workforce plays a key role. The workforce is the human resource of an organization that is the main support on which the company relies. In order to achieve the aim of an organization PG needs to implement a new performance management system (Cascone, 2011). The HR in PG is responsible in person for supervising the reviews of annual diversity along with the top management and director of diversity of every units and function of a business (Chiarini, n.d.). PG conducts survey on basis of their training and customer feedback to which the gets benefits both in organizational as well as individual level. They provide a competitive based salary, which includes incentives and bonus depending on the performance of the employee. PG highly depends on the customer service because they provide consumer-based products. According to the performance opportunities and appraisals are provided (Demartini, n.d.). Career planning and succession planning is also encouraged according to the potential of the employees. This kind of performance management system has been a strong infrastructure of the company and credits to their organizations profitability (Fernandez and Moldogaziev, 2012). This states that PG appreciates the effort of their employees which distinguishes them from their competitors. In order to align a new performance management system with the strategic plan of PG there are certain approaches that PG needs to follow, they are: First and foremost the HR needs to inform the employees about the new performance management: In order to align the strategic plan a company needs to update their performance system. It is necessary for an organization because new system of performance management results in the increase in involvement of the employees. But it often happens that with the announcement or declaration of new system of performance management, the employees gets de motivated and their level of productivity also decreases (Freeman, 2010). It must be ensured that the new system of performance management needs to be more attractive than the previous one. This information must be conveyed to the existing employees. Clear information and a face to face confrontation of with the employees are necessary so that the employees wouldnt adopt a negative impression. Provide employees the prospect of assessing themselves: A HR manager needs to complete the appraisal of performance of the employees and provide them a form of evaluation. The employees need to comprehend their own level of potentiality. If the evaluation process is done by the employees themselves then the feedback mostly becomes negative. The employees are generally more critical of them and give negative remarks for their performance. Acquiring the input of the employees own performance may give way to communication which will help the HR to frankly discuss the perceptions and opinions between the two evaluations. Collect information from sources: Instead of getting input and feedback from the supervisors, those who make employee interaction should also be consulted for performance evaluation. This process will include co-workers, clients or customers, executives, departments, team members or who regularly interacts with the existing employees and can give information about the weakness and strengths of the employees. Make the employees understand their role in the overall vision of the company: It is very much essential for the employees of PG to understand the vision, value and mission of the company and the target for a specific period of time. A clear vision of target will help the employees understand their potential, productivity and efficiency (Hong and Hà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £i, 2013). They would also try to find out whether their present competency is sufficient enough for PG to achieve their aim. This is a very important part of an HR. At this step; the HR needs to make sure that the employees consider the target to be achievable. For this the management needs to encourage and motivate them so that they could give their best. Provide scope for advancement and development of employees: An essential part of employee engagement and performance management, the opportunity to provide scope for advancement and development is a compulsory job of an HR (Harris, Craig and Light, 2011). Without the scope of career or development an employee never wishes to remain in the organization. If the organization is unable or doesnt provides ample scope of advancement for its employees then the turnover increases. This means that the company may lose many of its efficient employees (Walker, Damanpour and Devece, 2010). The evaluation method should be a forum for open discussion regarding the improvement of the efficiency of the employees and will also decide the need for training and advancement of the employee. This would also help employees to improve their effectiveness and their efficiency towards work (Fujimoto and HaÃÅ'ˆrtel, 2010). Strategic means of rewarding their employees by employee evaluation: The HR must ensure that the evaluation of performance must be linked to the system of compensation and a fair system is conducted for monitoring the raise in pay and the bonus provided by the company (Kerzner, 2014). This is a system that indirectly motivates the performance of the employees and helps them to keep and estimation of their future. The employees must also know the policy of compensating so that they can claim their money in case of misconduct (Martn-de Castro et al., 2013). In case of new system of performance management the employees pre-considers the fact that the new policy would be less helpful to them but this misconception should be cleared by the HR (Procter Gamble Digitizes its Talent Management Processes through Customized Talent by Design Solutions, 2013). If these certain steps are followed for the Human Resource of an Organization then PG would certainly be able to align with its future goal. The System for management performance in order to align the Strategic plans of PG can be formed in the following way. The relationship between the Strategic plan and the Performance management system of PG: The Strategy of PG is to consider the human needs first. There are examples provided in the case study that states that considering the hygiene factor PG designed their mens razor Gillete, similarly for Brazilian people they made Basico, which made essential commodities affordable for them. Similarly their strategy is to make commodities according to the wants and needs of their customer and increase their number of customer. Performance management is an action which is taken in order to obtain the target of an organization, whereas strategic planning is the setting up of methods by which a company will achieve its objective (Poister, 2010). The goals of performance management come from the strategic planning of a company. The goals set by strategic planning are used to analyze and determine the objectives and goals of every individual in PG. generally it is considered that setting the goals of employees depends on the target of a specific work unit. Performance management system helps to enhance the skills and efficiency of the employees (Van Dooren, 2011). Performance management depends on precise end results, not just the activities but the outcomes of those results are also considered. The Strategic plans objectives and goals concentrate on measurement of performance results and help to describe appropriate indicators of performance. The Strategic plans make the performance of employees to be measured. Strategic plan must continually check the outcomes measures and the goals of the organization. In context of PG: For PG the strategic plan is to make products for consumer. This seems to be a very common objective of any other organization, but PG has a different strategy. They not only aim to sell their products by making them acceptable to the customers but the customers must have a benefit from the product. Like in market segmentation in Brazil, they used price strategy. A question generates that how the strategic plan will impact on the performance management? It is so that the employees have to use optimum resources to make their product worthy of the price charges per products. PG increased its supply while making products available in affordable price in Brazil (Taylor, 2014). In order to increase supply the employees had to work more efficiently, and in order to increase the efficiency they needed to evaluate their performance (Rothwell, Zaballero and Park, 2014). Hence performance management came into existence in this strategic plan of PG. In case of providing a sanitary razing system to the Indian male customers, PG realized that the blade used by the barbers is used in an unsanitary condition, they immediately identified the need of the customers in India. Hence they made a razor keeping in mind the need of the Indian customers. They used an innovative method of solving the problem. In this process, the design and the idea and people who worked to create the product had to be efficient enough to make the product. Thus for this productivity, creativity, skills and efficiency the system of performance management was significant. It was to be ensured that the employees have to understand the requirement of the customer and so did they work and put their effort to make the product. What would you say and do to garner company-wide support for your performance management system? Measures to garner the company wide support of performance management system: Make the approach It is difficult to make a post launch, launch and pre launch communication plan for an organization launching its new system of performance management. Multiple vehicles for communication are required, like posters, news letters from the executives along with handbooks; email voice messages should also be used. The process of communication will be continually demonstrated. The HR has to be act like the advocate and communicate the importance and value of the new performance system. Clarify the roles and responsibilities for the Stakeholders A system of Performance management is considered as a system of accountability. Form frontline employees to senior executives everyone is involved in the system of performance management. They are provided with the information of their respective accountability in contributing for their organizations. Here, the role of HR will be to clearly demonstrate the role of every profile and the strategic priorities of the organization (Spieth and Lerch, 2014). The prime focus of the new system of performance management should be increasing the customer retention rate and gather new customer with the efficiency and productivity level of the employees. Once the priorities ate set the HR has to establish necessary steps for the organization. Including both lag and lead measures the balanced scorecard measures must be included that would provide a proficient way for the performance of the employees. It is also to be ensured that an effectual set of climate should also be introduced that would inf luence the work culture and the work ethics. Develop the potential of the key players The new system of performance management should actively involve its employees and in order to ensure that a proposal should be made that would analyze the participation terms of the employees (Men, 2011). The Proposal must ensure the senior personnel that the performance management system will be vary agreeable and will contribute in achieving the goal (Scullion and Collings, 2011). Certain data analysis on the probability and other data that will overrule the notion of negative notion would lead to an acceptable garner. The key player will be identified, enhances and motivated so as to deliver performance on behalf of PG. This would help the process because the reliability of the employees will increase. They would be the trump card that would play a major part and the hopeful positive impact (Palethorpe, 2010). To align process and systems : In order to garner the company wide support it was important to demonstrate the importance of the system. Now the PMS (Performance Management System) has established its importance it is important to cater the use of the management system and how it works. There should be effective and unbiased reviews (Osman, Anouze and Emrouznejad, n.d.). Every plan has an action and every action has its consequences. This consequences in PRS needs to be evaluated and that would help to identify whether it is working effectively. The support will be received if the outcomes are assured to have at least a moderate impact for the goals of an Organization. With PGs aim of reaching its customers the new PMS of the company needs to assure that the customer does not gets affected. Provide clear steps: The company must know each and every step, their backups and what the possible negative impacts are. These steps should be arranged in a way that follow up should be easy. Time is a big factor in this process. A new system of performance management should make sure that the time required for this system will be less than the previous format (Poister, 2010). This includes not only the required time for the whole process to be implemented, but also the time that will be taken to make the process effective (Safaripoor and Fadaei, 2015). Thus the HR should establish the value of time through his presentation that would convince the members of PG to accept to the proposal of the new system of Performance management (Payaud, 2013). Conclusion: The performance management is a continual communication between the employees and the management in order to clarify the responsibilities and enhance the performance incessantly. It is a concept which has widely become a part of HR management. In order to achieve the goal of a company, performance management plays s a crucial role. Today, the expectation of customers is increasing daily and it has become a challenge for organizations to satisfy their customer. Performance management is an integrated and strategic process which aids to maintain as well as deliver success by developing the skills and improving the performance for every individual in a well ascertained team (Rothwell, Zaballero and Park, 2014). 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