Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Malaria Research Paper essays
Malaria Research Paper essays Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that lives both in mosquitoes and humans (9). Malaria lives in tropical and sub-tropical areas such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Haiti, India, The Dominican Republic, Africa, Papua New Guinea, and Central and South America (3). Malaria is one of the largest diseases around the world. About one out of every 20 people on earth, almost 300 million people, suffer from malaria yearly. Almost 2 million of those 300 million people die each year. Many new drugs are being tested to prevent malaria but no sure vaccine has been discovered (1). Malaria has terrorized this earth since the mid-Pleistocene age. No one knows just when malaria showed up in the Western Hemisphere however. Many say that malaria roamed the New World before the Europeans came over. Yet others will tell you that the Western Hemisphere had no contact with malaria until the end of the fifteenth century. Many other diseases similar in destruction as malaria were brought over from the old world from Europe and Africa (5). Malaria limited colonization all over the world. West Africa and Northern Australia were major hot spot for malaria attacks during the colonization of those areas. Malaria also resulted in many casualties in wars form Ancient Greece to Vietnam and present (2). The Old World supposedly gave malaria to the New World. However, the New World found the first effective treatment for the disease. In 1632, a piece of bark form a Peruvian Tree was taken to Europe by a Spanish priest. The bark was soon found to be a remedy to the constant feve rs. Malaria was extremely active in Ancient Rome and Europe. However, it is proven that the malaria back then was much less destructive than it has been in recent centuries. This is because P. falciparum, the most deadly type of malaria, was not present back in Ancient Europe. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the History of malaria is unknown for quite some time in Ancient E...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Verbs to Use in Your Research Paper
Verbs to Use in Your Research Paper When you conduct a research project, one part of your job is to assert your own original thesis with an effective argument. There are a few ways to enhance your research paper so it sounds more impressive. One method to sound convincing as an authority is to elevate your vocabulary by using great verbs. Remember, verbs are action words. The verbs you select for your writing should represent a specific action. This means you should avoid generic verbs like the following to keep your writing interesting and sharp. Dont bore your teacher or audience to tears! Stale and boring verbs to avoid: See Is/wasLookedDidGo/wentSaidTurned Be the Authority No matter what your grade level, you must do your best to come across as an authority on your topic. Think about the noticeable difference in these statements: I saw more mold on one piece of bread.I observed a distinct difference between the two pieces of bread. Most importantly, one piece of bread displayed a greater density of mold. The second statement sounds more mature, because we replaced saw with observed and had with displayed. In fact, the verb observe is more accurate. When carrying out a scientific experiment, after all, you use more than mere eyesight to scrutinize your results. You may smell, hear, or feel some results, and those are all part of observing. Now consider these statements when writing a history essay: Historian Robert Dulvany says there were three main causes for the war.Historian Robert Dulvany asserted that three events prompted the war. The second phrase just sounds more authoritative and direct. The verbs make all the difference! Also, make sure to use active rather than passive structure with your verbs. Active verbs make your writing clearer and engaging. Review these statements: The war on terror was launched by the United States.The United States launched the war on terror. The subject-verb construction is a more active and powerful statement. How to Sound Like an Authority Each discipline (like history, science or literature) has a distinct tone with certain verbs that appear frequently. As you read over your sources, observe the tone and language. While reviewing the first draft of your research paper, conduct an inventory of your verbs. Are they tired and weak or strong and effective? This list of verbs may provide suggestions to make your research paper sound more authoritative. affirm ascertain assert cite claim clarify communicate concur contribute convey debate defend define detail determine develop differ discover discuss dispute dissect document elaborate emphasize employ engage enhance establish estimate evaluate examine explore express find focus highlight hold hypothesize identify illuminate illustrate imply incorporate infer inquire invest investigate involve judge justify limn observe ponder predict proclaim proffer promote provide question realize recap reconcile refer reflect regard relate relay remark report resolve respond reveal review sanction seek show simplify speculate submit support surmise survey tangle test theorize total transpose underestimate underline underscore understand undertake undervalue usurp validate value verify vex wander
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - Essay Example The title 'the Unready', or more accurately 'the Ill-Advised', given to Alfred's successor derives largely from the writer of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle who was an admirer of Alfred and disappointed in his successor. The author seems so much unknown of the real dilemma that he has kept the then public views in his mind while writing and the chronicle is not written keeping the real circumstances in consideration Ethelred had to face in that era, but its all about the reiterate defeats of Ethelred. This is the main reason as to why Ethelred has gained nothing but only the bad reputation in history. Another reason is while writing 'Anglo-Saxon Chronicle', he has been compared to Alfred. In 1979 the year after the accession of King Aethelred, the Danish invasions, long unintermitted under Edgar the Peaceful, recommenced as their main objective was to plunder only, not conquest, and they repeatedly attacked in 981, 982 and 988. A period of peace in the middle of the tenth century, in which took place a great monastic reform and revival of learning, was followed by renewed Danish attacks, which continued throughout the reign of Aethelred the Unready and culminated in the conquest by Cnut. In 991 the Danes burned Ipswich, and defeated and slew the East Saxon ealdorman Brihtnoth at Maldon. After this incident, Aethelred realizing the eruption of law and order offered them a price of freedom of 10,000, just to bring peace and serenity in England. As the Danes had to give something in the form of desistion from their ravages, they were still allowed to stay in England. Next year Aethelred himself broke the peace by an attack on the Danish ships. Despite the treachery of A elfric, the English were victorious and the Danes sailed off to devastate Lindsey and Northumbria. In 994 Olaf Tryggvason, King of Norway, and King of Denmark, Sweyn Forkbeard united in a great invasion and attacked London. Frustrated by the bravery of the citizens, they sailed away and harried the coast from Essex to Hampshire. Now Aethelred had no option left except for paying another price of England, and once again he bought peace for 16,000 with a promise of supplies. Olaf after receiving such great favors assured Aethelred that he would never again come to England with hostile intent, an engagement that he faithfully kept. One of the reasons why he is acknowledged as 'The Unready' is he was not sure who to trust and who not to trust. For his defeat lies in the fact he trusted the wrong people. This led him towards the failure one after the next and finally the King of Denmark defeated him. The promise was made to Olaf Tryggvason, the King of Norway; Sweyn (the King of Denmark) was devoid of any kind of commitment made to Aethelred so he repeatedly attacked England in 997, 998, 999, and in 1000. These frequent attacks break down the national defense and made the Government weak. However Aethelred in these crucial state of affairs did what anyone could have done for the survival of his country, he offered the then Danes the sum of 24,000, but at the same time he ordered the slaughter of each and every Danish men who were in England, which was his greatest blunder. Such a violent behavior on part of the Aethelred made the situation worse and caused Sweyn to return for revenge and remained here for two yea rs. In 1005
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Managing Revenue and Working Capital to Avoid Factoring in Health Orga Essay - 1
Managing Revenue and Working Capital to Avoid Factoring in Health Organization - Essay Example Another risk is that when debtors default in paying their invoices on the stipulated date the hospital risks paying more interest to the factoring company which was not budgeted for. Lack of proper management of working capital and revenue inflow might lead to the business getting to a situation of insolvency. Creditors to the health organization might be claiming from the organization more than the assets of the organization which might lead to bankruptcy. This might tatter the image of the organization and lead to poor performance of the credit rating of the hospital. Banks and other financial organization will refuse to extend any loan to the hospital in future date which might cripple the organization when a need for capital arises in future dates. When the health organization gets into this situation it will lack the liquid capital to grow, pay suppliers or meet unexpected costs within the health unit. Some of the measures that the finance officer has to take into consideration to avoid such situations are: The health organization will need to balance between acquisition of assets and payment of its recurrent expenditure like salaries and wages. The moderate form of working capital policy would suit the health center to avoid situations of the need of having to look for short-term debts to pay for its current and long-term assets. This policy will do away with risks that come with the aggressive policy of working capital where short-term debts will be needed to finance fixed or permanent working capital. The fluctuating working capital will be financed through short-term borrowing. This situation will eliminate a situation of financing all the working capital needs from short-term loans which may lead to factoring within the health unit (Nowicki, 2011). The health organization might be expanding or buying long-term assets like medical equipment. Buying of these assets will lead to huge cash outflows which will affect the availability of cash to meet other expenditures.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Impact of escalating gas prices on the U.S. Essay Example for Free
Impact of escalating gas prices on the U.S. Essay The oil prices have been creeping higher in the recent past and the current gas market conditions in the United States of America are very uncertain as well as unstable which has further led to a lot of negative effects on the gas consumers. The gas prices have been rapidly escalating in the American markets which have led to the amplification of the medium term economic effects. The American economy’s prosperity remains at risk for as long as the oil prices in the country remain very high and also unstable. The increasing oil prices in America also quantitatively affect the country’s macro economy. The impact of the escalating oil prices on the US economy The oil prices in America remain a very important determinant in the overall performance of the country’s economy. It is also important to note that the overall increase in the oil prices in America has further led to a transfer of income from the American economy to the exporting countries through a trade shift. In America the degree of the direct effects of a specified gas price is highly determined by the share of the oils’ costs in the income of the country and also the ability of the gas users to reduce their personal consumption and wholly change from the gas to other alternatives. The increasing gas prices in America has also highly affected the rate of inflation since in most of the times the consumer price index has been on the increase and this clearly shows that there is a correlation between the oil prices movements and the changes which occur in the rate of inflation. This then clearly stipulates that the increasing oil prices in America further drive up the imported oils costs and in general terms the rate of inflation. (Anne, 2007) With the worlds demand for oil rapidly increasing and the oil supplies very limited, then the American economy is more likely to suffer the damage in the short as well as long-term. The high oil prices in America are amongst the key factors which have made many economists to scale back their predictions for the country’s economic growth in the present year. The country’s economic growth rate has highly reduced because of the increasing oil prices and this has resulted to a growing rate of unemployment in America. (Brown, 2004) The gasoline prices in America are expected to even hit new highs since the American refineries are currently producing as much gasoline as they can include other oil products. In the larger picture the American authorities have not built any new refineries or even upgraded the old ones because of the environmental and the regulatory concerns. If the oil supplies were to greatly increase then the supplies of the major oil products would not substantially grow and thus the gas prices and the other refined products would stay very high. (Harvey, and Ted, 2007) The higher oil prices in America also highly spurs inflation and this further leads the federal reserves to push the interests rates up and this in turn causes the car loans the mortgages and the credit cards to become much more expensive than they already are. This whole issue sends a lot of ripples through the financial markets in America. The rising rate of inflation tends to highly affect the bond prices which further reduces the economic growth that could help in keeping the interests rates down. When the gas prices go up then the bond prices also go up because the economic growth rate is very slow but this does not similarly apply to the stock markets. On the other hand the high gas prices have a negative impact on the stock markets as this leaves the consumers with very little monies to spend as this also undermines the corporate earnings which are key to the prices in the stock markets. The depreciating US dollar has contributed to the escalating gas prices which are partly based on the dollars value. Source: Anne, F. (2007): Comparison of US gasoline Vehicle Fuel prices in the U. S. Pedant Centre on Global Climate Change, Washington In America the hurricane threats to the oil platforms, the labor strikes, the terrorist threats and the fires at the oil refineries and also other problems which are short lived they all are not wholly responsible for the escalation of the gas prices. They however push the gas prices higher but they are not the fundamentals in causing the high escalating gas prices. (Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Office of the Chief Counsel 2006) Currently there has been an increasing speculation in the oil market globally and therefore there is an increase in the American gas prices and this could extend into the long term. America has the highest and the largest oil demand so far in the world and therefore the depleting domestic production and also the expanding demand by the oil consumers in the US further leads the country to import oil from the foreign countries. This dependency then has made the country very vulnerable to any disruptions in the oil supplies. In America the increasing gas prices makes the other unconventional sources of oil very attractive to the businesses. For the working class in America that includes those who earn their living without any benefits and also those who have older vehicles with an average of less than 20 MPG, they are usually faced with several alternatives. They commute by using the public transportation, the light rail, the rapid transit as well as the bus, they also carpool, scooter, motor cycle, walk or even bicycle or even relocate to the inner city if one resides in the areas that are suburban. Surprisingly many businesses are also moving away from the 24 hour operation since the higher gas prices are highly discouraging the lifestyle trends of the past. Some restaurants and also cafes are also closing down very early and they are well known for their 24 hour operating cultures. The airlines have also been heavily affected by the same and they have not been left out in introducing the fuel surcharges or they can even scale back their operations in efforts to trim the fuel costs which are spiraling. The high gas prices has also affected the schools in many districts and particularly the large school bus fleets have reduced since the schools can no longer maintain to run the high fuel costs of the buses. The ongoing gas hike in America has worried very many people especially the consumers who are spending so much The American economists further state that if the Americans will have to spend more money on their gas consumptions then they will definitely have very little money that is left for to spend on the other goods and services. Also as the gas prices go up then the prices of other goods and services especially the foods also go up. The gas prices in America are highly affected and driven by the costs of the crude oil and the escalating oil prices in America are being attributed to the to the high Americans demand . An example of this is that during the summer vacation seasons most of the American family’s require more gas since they use their vehicles for the long trips. (Bearn, 2003) Conclusion There are many reasons that lead to the increased gas prices in America and also the decrease in oil supply. This has been partly because of the Middle East’s growing turbulence and it is the world largest oil producing region in the world. In the hurricane Katrina scenario the supply flow from the gulf coast offshore rigs which is the largest oil source in America for the domestic market was heavily crippled. This further led to the a temporary shut down of two major on shore pipelines and also at least 10% of the country’s refining capacity was not in operation in the storms wake. In America despite the increase in the gas supplies the prices have continually raised at a very fast rate than in the past and this has further led to an increased discussion on the theory of the peak oil and a future possibility that would see the supply of oil highly reducing. Some experts say that even though the oil supplies themselves are not reduced the easily accessible light sweet crude sources have almost been exhausted and in the future the Americans will depend on the more expensive sources and alternatives to the heavy oil. (Anne, 2007) The united states of America always keeps about 700 million crude oil gallons for storage to cover far any national emergencies but this reserves have gone down to 650 million gallons as more oil is being diverted from the reserves to the markets at large. Reference: Standard Poors DRI, The U. S. Economy, issues 2000/12, 2001/1, 2001/2 and 2001/3. WEFA, US Outlook, issues December 2000, and January, February and March 2001 Brown, S. (2004): U. S. Gasoline Prices on the Rise Once Again, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Expand Your Insight, May http://www. html ASEAN Competitiveness Study, McKinsey Company, August 2003 Higher Global Oil Prices Implications for Asia in 2005, Asian Development Bank, 2005 http://www. adb. org/Documents/Books/ADO/2004/update/part030200. asp Developing Asia and the World, Asian Development Bank, 2005, http://www. adb. org/Documents/Books/ADO/2004/update/part010000. asp Higher Global Oil Prices Implications for Asia in 2005, Asian Development Bank, 2005 http://www. adb. org/Documents/Books/ADO/2004/update/part030200. asp Switch it Off, The Asia Section, The Straits Times, June 2, 2005
Friday, November 15, 2019
Decriminalization Of Marijuana :: legalization of hash
This nation's so-called war on drugs has been a miserable failure. It hasn't' worked. The drug problem is getting worse. I think it is the number one problem facing this country today. I think that we as people and our politicians really need to put all of our options into perspective, and one of the things we need to talk about is decriminilization. Â Â Â Â Â Common sense or logic would dictate that when you take this issue on, when you talk about legalization or decriminalization, if you are going to talk about that, you are going to have to talk about taking it in steps, and certainly the first step would be marijuana. All of us can make a list out of friends that have used drugs. Are our friends criminals for using drugs? Yes, they are today given the laws that we have. Should they be criminals? Are they criminals? For the most part, no they are not. We are talking about federal law, and I see this as a national issue which is an extremely tough issue with politicians. There isn't a bigger taboo topic because if you're going to talk about legalization, you're talking about making it readily available for kids, but I read in a poll that 95 percent of kids in high school say illegal drugs are readily available. I know this is a fact because I once was a high school student and had the unfortunate experience to see this all around me. I don't know how it gets more readily available than that. I'm not advocating breaking the law, but personally, I don't think you should go to jail for smoking marijuana. I think 75 percent of the people in this country would say, no, you shouldn't go to jail for smoking marijuana. Â Â Â Â Â 700,000 Americans are in jail or prison on drug related charges. That is something I have a problem with and think we as people and a democratic country is something we need to deal with. I am very confused about this issue and I am deeply concerned and feel this is something that needs to be dealt with and handled properly according to the facts. I am talking about legalization and decriminalization, but I'm definitely not condoning drug use. From what I know and what I see as an American citizen on a day to day basis it seems like there is no political support and no one is trying to do anything about it. We're spending more and we're locking more people up for drug use in today's society which is a definite cause of the overcrowded prisons in our country.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Medical Laboratory Technician Report
Medical Laboratory Technician’s work in all areas of the clinical laboratory including blood banking, chemistry, hematology, immunology, histology and microbiology. They perform a full range of laboratory tests – from simple prenatal blood tests, to more complex tests to uncover diseases such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and cancer. They are also responsible for confirming the accuracy of test results, and reporting laboratory findings to pathologists and other physicians. Some States require laboratory personnel to be licensed or registered. Licensure of technologists often requires a bachelor's degree and the passing of an exam, but requirements vary by State and specialty. Many employers prefer applicants who are certified by a recognized professional association. Employers seek medical laboratory personnel with good analytical judgment and the ability to work under pressure. Technologists in particular are expected to be good at problem solving. Close attention to detail is also essential for laboratory personnel because small differences or changes in test substances or numerical readouts can be crucial to a diagnosis. Manual dexterity and normal color vision are highly desirable, and with the widespread use of automated laboratory equipment, computer skills are important. The average medical laboratory technician salary in America is $40,839 annually. The professionals working in universities and research centers get around $34,000 while the ones working in labs and healthcare services get $31,000 to $33,700 annually. Fresh into the field I should get about $29,000. The benefits of the field are medical, dental, and 403b. The usual requirement for an entry-level position as a medical laboratory technologist is a bachelor's degree with a major in medical technology or one of the life sciences; however, it is possible to qualify for some jobs with a combination of education and on-the-job and specialized training. Universities and hospitals offer medical technology programs. Bachelor's degree programs in medical technology include courses in chemistry, biological sciences, microbiology, mathematics, and statistics, as well as specialized courses devoted to knowledge and skills used in the medical aboratory. Many programs also offer or require courses in management, business, and computer applications. Laboratories usually are well lighted and clean; however, specimens, solutions, and reagents used in the laboratory sometimes produce fumes. Laboratory workers may spend a great deal of time on their feet. Hours of clinical laboratory technologists and technicians vary with the size and type of employment setting. In large hospitals or in independent laboratories that operate continuously, personnel usually work the day, evening, or night shift and may work weekends and holidays. Laboratory personnel in small facilities may work on rotating shifts, rather than on a regular shift. In some facilities, laboratory personnel are on call several nights a week or on weekends, in case of an emergency. Medical laboratory technologist’s jobs are mainly in hospitals. The rest of the jobs are in offices of physicians and in clinical and diagnostic laboratories. Rapid job growth and excellent job opportunities are expected. Most jobs will continue to be in hospitals, but employment will grow rapidly in other settings, as well. Technicians can advance and become technologists through additional education and experience. Technologists may advance to supervisory positions in laboratory work or may become chief medical or clinical laboratory technologists or laboratory managers in hospitals. Manufacturers of home diagnostic testing kits and laboratory equipment and supplies also seek experienced technologists to work in product development, marketing, and sales. Companies offering employment would be hospitals, the military, doctors’ offices, diagnostic labs, and universities. Three colleges that offer a degree in medical laboratory technician are Dalton state, the university of Hawaii, and DeVry.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Miranda Complex in Julia Alvarez’s How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Essay
The article of Jennifer Bess who is an assistant professor of Peace Studies at Coucher College in Baltimore, Maryland, starts with a quotation from Alice Walker’ s book The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart: A diary like this, with so many blank pages, seems to reflect a life permeated with gaps, an existence full of holes. But perhaps that is what happens when one’s experience is so intensely different from anything dreamed of as a child that there seems literally to be no words for it. This quotation is a kind of foreshadowing of what Bess puts forward in her article. The article starts with the background of the Miranda complex which is stated in the article’s title. It is mentioned that there is a girl named Miranda in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest. She has all the privileges of her father’s administration over an island; however she states that â€Å" I have suffered/ with there that I saw suffer! â€Å" because of his father’s authoritarianism. From the gender point of view, she carries the burden of oppression and powerlessness of Caribbean people and also the burden of oppression â€Å"the benefits and protection offered by colonizing father and husband. †She is a victim and an inheritor of the forces of colonialism at the same time. According to the article, Julia Alvarez studies this complex inheritance in her autobiographically based novel How The Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. Alvarez’s characters tell many truths about their history and shared identity through Garcia girls. At the beginning of the novel, Alvarez goes back to the history of Garcia family to the time of Miranda . There were conquerors â€Å"encircling her own wrists†and she passes on these conquistadors to the Garcia sisters in the novel. The novel then emphasizes the themes of loss and violation; on the one hand there is a comfort and strength when the Garcia girls experience the female alliance and the richness of their shared Dominican experience; on the other hand however, they feel the pain of oppression. Because the privileged women of color tell only some parts of the story, her novel involves the mixed voices of silent people and the history’s loses along with Garcia family’s role in violence and victimization. According to the article, Alvarez’s characters come across wit the absence of memories so she must dig into the collective memory in order to uncover what remains of â€Å"common experience broken in time. Just like Miranda, the character Yolanda sympathizes with the others who suffer, however; she cannot identify herself with them completely because of her privilege, just as she cannot identify completely with Americans and even with her own extended family on the island. Her identity is fractured, unlike Miranda who depends on her father to fill in the gaps of her past, Yolanda takes the responsibility and writes her own past; in short she â€Å"recaptures the self†through her self creation. Alvarez’s characters cannot recover the loses of the past but with the exploration of Miranda’s complex, they transform â€Å"mandate of silence†into a revolution of truth telling and self-invention. For the Bess, the novel’s missing words and missing stories forms its theme; however the theme is not only one of loss ; it is also one in which Miranda faces the price of her family’s privilege. In other words, Alvarez uses absences and silence to expose the complexity of her characters’ inheritance, an inheritance shared by all â€Å"who have been shaped by the legacies of western expansion. Bess uses a quotation from Almanac of the Dead referring the alienation that the Garcia girls experienced; In Almanac of the Dead, Leslie Marmon Silko explains through a storyteller that the theory of the Big Bang was â€Å"consistent with everything else that he had seen: from their flimsy attachments to one another and their children to their abandonme nt of the land where they had been born,†westerners and those who have inherited their culture all share the same fate of alienation as do Adam and Eve, â€Å"wandering aimlessly because the insane God who had sired them had abandoned†and expelled them (1991, 258). She continues with another quotation stating that Silko calls the European as the orphaned children and thinks that the girls suffer after their exile: As Silko continues, â€Å"the Europeans had not been able to sleep soundly on the American continents, not even with a full military guard. They,†Like their heirs in Carlos and Yolanda, â€Å"suffered from nightmares and frequently claimed to see devils and ghosts†Their past, divided by the â€Å"river of bodies†left by the Haitian massacre and by the massacre of the natives hundreds of years before, will forever keep the Garcias orphaned spiritually.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Killer Angels Summary essays
Killer Angels Summary essays Michael Shaara tells a fictional, but generally historically accurate, story about the four-day series of events and battles that surrounded and comprised The Battle of Gettysburg in his 1974 novel, The Killer Angels. The story represents both the views of the North and the South, and commands the readers understanding and empathy toward each of the characters and views regarding the Civil War. Shaaras portrayal of the war leaves little missed, and vividly details the passion, tension, conflict, trials, victory and defeat. The book is divided into four main sections, and within each section, the action is divided into chapters that represent each characters view of the events. One hundred and forty years later, we relive The Battle of Gettysburg. Part 1 takes place on Monday, June 29th, 1863 and covers the events leading up to the battle. James Longstreets hired spy, Harrison, reports that not only are Union forces are pursuing the Confederates into Pennsylvania, but that President Lincoln has recently fired General Hooker and replaced him with General Meade. This news is invaluable to the Lees forces, because Jeb Stuarts cavalry scouts have left the infantry blind to the enemys movements. When Longstreet reports this news to General Robert E. Lee, Lee decides to move his forces to Gettysburg in hope of destroying Union forces. En route to Gettysburg, with his regiment of soldiers, Colonel Joshua Chamberlain falls victim to sunstroke, and just as he begins to recover, the Union dumps 120 unwilling soldiers under his command, and he is forced to find a way to make them fight. He delivers a powerful speech, which convinces most of the unruly soldiers to fight with him, and nearly doubles the number of troops under his co mmand. The Union cavalry under Bufords command first sees the Confederate infantry heading toward Gettysburg. Buford writes to Reynolds to request reinforcem...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Jack Horner - Profile of the Famous Paleontologist
Jack Horner - Profile of the Famous Paleontologist Name: Jack Horner Born: 1946 Nationality: American Dinosaurs Named: Maiasaura, Orodromeus About Jack Horner Along with Robert Bakker, Jack Horner is one of the most prominent paleontologists in the United States (the two men served as advisers for the Jurassic Park movies, and Sam Neills character in the original was inspired by Horner). Horners main claim to fame was his discovery, in the 1970’s, of the extensive nesting grounds of a North American hadrosaur, which he named Maiasaura (good mother lizard). These fossilized eggs and burrows gave paleontologists an unusually detailed glimpse of the family life of duck-billed dinosaurs. The author of numerous popular books, Horner has remained at the forefront of paleontological research. In 2005, he discovered a chunk of T. Rex with soft tissue still attached, which was recently analyzed to determine its protein content. And in 2006, he led a team that discovered dozens of nearly intact Psittacosaurus skeletons in the Gobi Desert, shedding some valuable light on the lifestyles of these small, beaked herbivores. Lately, Horner and colleagues have been examining the growth stages of various dinosaurs; one of their more stunning finds is that Triceratops and Torosaurus may well have been the same dinosaur. By the turn of the 21st century, Horner had obtained a reputation as being a bit of an eccentric, always eager (and perhaps a tad over-eager) to overthrow accepted dinosaur theories and hog the limelight. Hes not afraid to challenge his critics head-on, however, and lately has caused even more of a stir with his plan to clone a dinosaur by manipulating the DNA of a living chicken (not a far cry, technically speaking, from the controversial program known as de-extinction).
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Politics Community Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Politics Community - Assignment Example This interferes with the political structure of institutional development in the developing countries as these institutions still need support. Increased interdependence among countries has led to political interference among countries. For instance most of the developed countries’ political organization is determined by the donor countries. There is a tendency of the donor countries threatening to stop their donations if their beneficiaries support not their governance mechanism (Michaels, 2002). Foreign countries have also influenced the political operations of developing countries as they are required to adhere to certain requirements in order to maintain good relations with the former. For instance some countries have been required by the United States to send their troops to fight in countries grappling with political instability. This case has happened between Uganda and Somali whereby the Ugandan troops had to interfere with the political structure of Somalia. Countries have also interfered with each other’s politics due to resources endowment. For instance the action of the United States on the countries in the Middle East was greatly influenced by its interest in oil according to Michaels (2002). The United States has tried to legitimize its actions as well as redefine the doctrine of the Middle East countries.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business Ethics and Consequentialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business Ethics and Consequentialism - Essay Example Ethics compliance includes implementing acts that serve the common good for the greater number of recipients. 1.Utilitarian ethics issues in this Case. There are utilitarian ethics issues in the case of the pacemaker case. The electronics company can generate the greater good to the greatest number of people. The principle of consequentialism or utilitiarian ethics states that the end justifies the means. The correct action is that action that brings out the greatest good to the entire community or population ( For example, it is a common good to kill a convicted felon to prevent individuals from committing the same illegal acts (Portmore, 2011). Jeremy Bentham insisted that correct actions are those that bring about or increase happiness, and reduce pain ( Applying the above consequentialism theory to the case, producing the electronic parts of the pace maker produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people ( The purpose of the pacemaker is to prolong the life of the dying person. Without a heart, the person will die. The pacemaker helps the heart beat. Without the pacemaker, the person would die a natural death. Consequently, the pacemaker prolongs the life of the pacemaker recipient for several years. By focusing on helping the pacemaker manufacturer improve the functional quality of the pacemakers, the electronics company helps increase the success of the pacemakers. Consequently, there is an increase in the pacemaker’s capacity to keep the failing human heart from stopping its continuous beating motion ( 2) Jeremy Bentham Concept on the Case. Jeremy Bentham, father of utilitarianism, will rightly approve the decision to continue producing the electronic parts of the pacemakers. By helping the pacemaker manufacturers improve the functional quality of the pacemakers, the electronics company increases the functional quality of the pacemakers. Consequently, the pacemaker adds more years to the dying patients’ lives. For the dying person, adding more years to one’s earthly life is a greater good when compared to just letting the patient die a natural death (Bentham, 2009). The popularity of the pacemaker is its capacity to prolong the dying person’s life by stimulating the non-beating heart to beat. Without the pacemakers’ stimulating motion, the patient would have died instantly. The improved pacemakers will increase the patients’ and their families’ pleasure of having their dying relative live additional years on earth and avoiding the pain of losing their dying relative at an earlier date. 3. Utility test. Step A. There are three alternatives. The first alternative is to stop supplying the electronic parts of the pac emakers. Second, the electronics company will continue producing the electronic parts of the pacemakers and coordinate with the pacemaker company to improve the success rate of the pacemakers (Mandal, 2010). Step B. The are consequences and costs of each alternative. In terms of alternative 1, the short term and long term benefits (consequences) include removing the possible of future medical suits from the pacemaker patients and being wrongly blamed for the pacemaker’
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